After staring plainly at walls for so many days in a lockdown we are sure you must have discovered so many new things about your house and one of those things would be the plain boring paint which you don’t seem to like at all the more you see it. So here are some wall painting ideas which will surely lift up the mood of the place. Even if you can’t contact villa interior design, you can still always try something yourself.
- If you really love the patterns on wall which you know aren’t easy to achieve then all you have to do is simply bring out the rollers and carve a pretty design on it. The more you roll in walls, the more you will see the pattern coming to life.
- Don’t have rollers? No problem, simply grab a cardboard and cut out a pattern which you would like to see on your wall, outline the pattern on the empty wall and paint away.
- Don’t hold back your kids, let them have fun with paints by asking them to design whatever pattern they wish. Sometimes kids will amaze you with their creativity. Keep an eye out that they don’t mess other walls and you will be good to go.
- Use masking tape for precision. Sometimes we need straight lines and our hands are not just the right tool to do so but this doesn’t mean that you can’t do it. Use a simple hack of using tape and you will be shocked to see the marvel.
- While you are at it, make sure you don’t leave your complete home furniture packages dubai as it can also use some creativity and sparkle. Use the same stencils you used on walls on your furniture with a slightly different angle and it will make the interiors look put together.
- Grab a magazine and sketch out big bold words which you would like to put above your bed to motivate you like LOVE, PEACE or HAPPY in cute italics form. When the words would be cut off, you will see a huge colourful letter which would like so pretty from afar and equally creative when inspected closely. Don’t forget to use only magazine because its paper is different in texture and colourful as well.